2021 Black Friday seasonal ASO on Google Play Store

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For this part of the report we’ve selected some of the apps with more downloads in Spain in the “Shopping” category. We’ve then analyzed which have been the ASO on-metadata factors where the apps applied changes for 2021 Black Friday. To begin with we can foresay that in Google Play Store the apps have made much more changes than in the Apple App Store, probably due to the fact that it’s easier since there’s no need for an app update to make changes in the store listing.


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Focusing on Google Play store, we see that the element where changes for 2021 Black Friday have been applied most has been the screenshots, with 7 out of the 13 analyzed app who did it. Only 4 out of 13 applied changes on the Feature Graphic and, against all odds, and against the new Google Guidelines which clearly stated that using graphic elements which could deceive users in the app’s icon would not be permitted, 5 out of 13 apps have adapted their icon for Black Friday. These are much more than last year, when only 2 apps made changes in their icon.

This year, apps like Decathlon, Chollometro, Idealo, JD Sports and Shopee ES have made changes in their icon, stating clearly the words “Black Friday” showing their focus on this campaign, which is becoming more popular worldwide year to year. The apps which have made changes on their Feature Graphic have been SHEIN, Decathlon, Idealo and ROMWE, even none of them made changes to their video. Video has been, just like last year, the least used asset to make changes for the campaign. As we mentioned earlier, the 7 apps which have made changes to their screenshots are: SHEIN, AliExpress, Decathlon, FNAC, Idealo, ROMWE and Shopee ES.

Looking into text fields, only Shopee ES opts to include the keyword in its Title, whereas FNAC, Idealo and Stradivarius do this in their Short Description. In the Long Description we find other apps which have opted to include the “Black Friday” keyword such as Zalando and Chollometro, together with FNAC, Stradivarius and Shopee ES. Last but not least, 3 apps opted to communicate the Black Friday campaign in the “News” field, these are: SHEIN, Chollometro and JD Sports.

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